Your post gives me inspiration and a reminder. Thank-you for sharing!

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You're welcome. All the glory to God. Amen.

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Thank you for this! Thank the Holy Spirit for allowing you to testify ❣️.

I am personally faces challenges that may effect my career, my life, my ability to help my children in these trying and demonic times, and my comfort in the Lord. I needed this at this specific time. It help lift my heavy heart!

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God bless you and your family. God provides. Praise God. Amen.

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There are things in heaven and earth not dreamt of in the philosophy of Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye. There really are.

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Indeed. And, we battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. God's will be done. Amen.

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Chilling story Jim. Glad you are safe brother. "Get thee behind me, Satan."

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I was also taught that prayer.

It is in the Bible with Jesus Christ being the first to say it in the context of the temptations. But there is a "long form" in Latin that was given to St. Benedict and the initial letters of it appear on his medallion.

Here are the words in Latin. Be advised that the Twitter app fried my account temporarily for posting the English translation of these words.

Crux sacra sit mihi lux

Non draco sit mihi dux

Vade retro satana

Numquam suade mihi vana

Sunt mala quae libas

Ipse venena bibas


I always try to remember to pray the Fatima prayer right after. The Vade Retro Satana is not a prayer and you should not say "amen" after it. It is a command directed to the unholy ordering them to be gone.


Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.


If you have just cast out a demon from someone, you want to pray for the soul of the person you have helped cleanse, and the Fatima prayer is a good start. You should also encourage the person to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit as soon as possible to further protect against possession.


Also follow me at L5News.substack.com for ideas about building a free country...

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I agree with P Carl Jim - a chilling story. Thank you for sharing it with your readers. God has angels watching over you. Blessings to you. 🙏✨🥹

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Carl and I go way back to when digital gold was the internet currency and Bitcoin had yet to be invented. He's a good egg.

God has blessed me with abundant blessings. Praise God. God bless you and your family too. Amen.

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I have two questions for you.

First, when you write about God with a capital G, do you refer to YHWH? If so, how does YHWH pronounce his name?

Second, while it is good to show YHWH the proper respect and obedience, he isn't Source, but one creator-being of myriad creator-beings. Shouldn't you make this clear?

"Heaven is Repairing, After-Life Choices, ‘Soul Wells’ & Who’s in Charge Here? with Apollymi Mandylion" (an interview with Merrily Milmoe)


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"There's only one God, ma'am." ~ Cap'n America

A few years ago I would be careful to say, "The Lord our God, YHWH the Lord of hosts, hallowed be His name." Then I met Katie and Charles King and Katie said, "We just say Jesus."

God made free will. God is the creator of heaven and earth and is the Father of my soul. Mother Mary is the Mother of my soul. I am here in this life on a mission for Mother Mary.

I am not here to propagate the myths and false doctrines of the Gnostic heretics. In the year of Our Lord 2022 I was accepted into the Militia Immaculata to help save souls, especially of the freemasons.

You are free to believe whatever you choose to believe. As for me and my family we serve the Lord our God. Praise God. God's will be done. Amen.

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So, you believe that YHWH is the source of all creation. That's fine. How does one pronounce YHWH?

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I believe a great many things.

I say the tetragrammaton as it was taught to me many years ago. I do not answer your question about how YHWH pronounces the tetragrammaton because you would need to hear from YHWH directly to comprehend the sounds involved. It would be a mistaken idea to suppose that the way the divine language is spoken in heaven is compatible with human vocal cords and mouths.

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How do you say it, then?

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What did God say to Moses when he asked his name?

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Exodus 3:14 "And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you."

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